Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

We've all seen the commercials

Do you struggle with sadness, maybe you're scared, do you suffer from a loss of interest, always thinking something terrible is going to happen, have you been diagnosed with depression, aches and pains... then you need to... ask your doctor... talk to your doctor...ask your doctor or health care professional today.

Aren't these normal human emotions? How did we manage for thousands of years without these drugs?

What about the side effects... or perhaps more appropriately.. the effects of the medications?

Again, we've all seen the commercials. You could probably recite a majority of the complications associated with taking these medications.

If you're a concerned friend, a loving family member, or just appalled at how we treat sickness and disease you will need to watch this free movie made available by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. I had to watch the whole thing after I viewed the 6 minute opening.

After reviewing this information you may be thinking, what can someone do? I would start by reading this paper, What is the Alternative to Psychotropic Drugs.

You will also want to normalize the nervous system, the master system of your entire body, by receiving chiropractic adjustments. This chiropractic resource web site,, has a large amount of information.

The point I'm trying to make is that there are many options available to try before turning to medications. Trying to help someone by altering brain chemistry or covering the symptoms of a problem will only lead to bigger and potentially life ending problems.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Doctor Fakes Test Results in Over 20 Studies

Some of the most popular drugs utilized for pain management of arthritis and post-operastive sugery has been a class of drugs known as COX -2 inhibitors, ie Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra. They are a powerful anti-inflammatory medications and are a stronger version of over the counter pain medications such as Asprin, Alieve, Advil.

Recently I came across an urgent medical news article which I do not believe has made it to the national news media sources yet.

In an announcement made by highlighted an article posted on Scientific American titled, A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies

Here is an selection from one of the articles

Faking clinical trial data for Vioxx and Celebrex

A researcher at Baystate Medical Center in Massachusetts, Dr. Scott Reuben, was found to have faked the data used in 21 "scientific" papers published in peer-reviewed medical journals from 1996 - 2008.

The Associated Press is reporting today that journals have begun retracting papers authored by Dr. Reuben. The journal Anesthesia & Analgesia has retracted 10 studies authored by Dr. Reuben, and the journal Anesthesiology has also started retracting studies.

But the damage has already been done: Dr. Reuben's work was reportedly relied on very heavily by pull-pushing doctors and medication advocates, who cited his studies to "prove" these drugs are safe and effective. In reality, though, it was all just made up!

What options Does This Leave You With?

Here are a few steps to get going:

1. Inform yourself -Read through the blogs and articles I post and sign up to become a follower. You will be able to stay up to date with some of the latest health information.

2. Stay consistant with you adjsutment schedule. Chiropractic adjustments with help your body stay healthy.

3. Attend free work shops at one of our two offices. There is always an in-depth review of specific health topics and a chance to ask questions.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Day In The Life Of Your Spine

A friend sent this to me, so I can't take credit.

This is a video clip from a seminar put on by Dr. CJ Mertz, he has a little fun with the description of 'A Day In The Life Of A Spine'. Still, his description has to make you think about the importance of your spine and your daily activities.

Watch it here on youtube

Also, take a look at the second video, it's from a Canadian morning news interview he performed. Dr. Mertz does a great job at explaining chiropractic and the nervous system.

Watch it here on youtube

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Vital Functions of Probiotics

You may not know what probiotics are, but if you know what an antibiotic is then you're half way there.

Have you ever heard that antibiotics kill bacteria in your body? Well probiotics promote the good bacteria in your body.

Your body contains billions of bacteria and other microorganisms. The term "probiotics" refers to dietary supplements or foods that contain beneficial, or "good," bacteria that are similar to those normally found in your body.

Here's a great article to get started: Catching Up With The Hype Over Probiotics found on naturalnews's probiotic section.

Scientists are learning more each day about the role of microbes in keeping people healthy and the multitude of health benefits associated with consuming the right type and levels of probiotic microbes.

Research highlighted on has suggested that probiotic bacteria can: Help reduce the risk of certain diarrheal illnesses, Assist lactose intolerant people with lactose digestion, and enhance immune function.

Some preliminary studies also report that certain probiotics can play a role in reducing the development of allergies in children, decreasing Helicobacter pylori colonization of the stomach, helping patients cope with side effects of antibiotic therapy, managing relapse of some inflammatory bowel conditions, decreasing the risk of certain cancers, decreasing dental-caries-causing microbes in the mouth, and keeping healthy people healthy.

Take a closer look at some of the most well researched probiotic bacteria and those found most commonly in probiotic supplements.

To hear more about probiotics and other life saving topics check out the office calendar to attend one of our half hours to health and be sure to keep checking back here for more great information.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's Never To Late To Start Exercising

This past week the British Medical Journal released a study reporting on exercise and decreases in all cause mortality. Even if you haven't previously exercised, starting and continuing an exercise routine will lower all causes of death.

The Study reported:
Men who increased their physical activity level from a low or medium level to a high level cut their all cause mortality level by 50%. After 10 years of follow-up their increased physical activity was associated with reduced mortality to the level equal with men who engage in high physical activity throughout their life.

The study warned the reader on one point. That increased exercise in the first half of the the 10 year follow-up did not yield any decrease in mortality. I'm interpret this to mean is it took awhile for the body to clean out all those cobweb's.

I found this study to be very informative, and now I can show someone that it's never to late to get started.

So even if you've fallen off the healthy goals horse , it's never to late to get back on.

"I am not discouraged; because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"

- Thomas Edison