Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This term refers to the discovery in recent years that the brain is actually malleable throughout the lifespan and we have the ability to grow new neural connections.

This has tremendous implications for our mental health and anything that has to do with human training, both hopeful and detrimental.

The research is becoming more and more clear but has been finding that the brain is not static and will respond to new learning.

A Mayo Clinic study of 487 healthy adults aged 65 and older demonstrated that with cognitive fitness training, older adults more than doubled their auditory processing speed (a 131% gain.) This translated to improved memory and attention.

Below is a great video briefly describing the concept of neuroplasticity.

So what does this mean for you?

Anything that you would like to improve upon in your life, you can!! The only requirement is that you may have to search for the right coach, chiropractor, doctor, and/or other quality of life professionals.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Swine Flu Pandemic a Fraud

The original article, released by a German Magazine Der Spiegel and re-released by Digital Journal describes a detailed account of the happenings of the development of the swine flu pandemic and the following vaccination hysteria.

The Opening Paragraph from Der Spiegel
Swine flu kept the world in suspense for almost a year. A massive vaccination campaign was mounted to put a stop to the anticipated pandemic. But, as it turned out, it was a relatively harmless strain of the flu virus. How, and why, did the world overreact? A reconstruction.
Those who suspected a money- and greed-driven conspiracy behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak - declared a pandemic by overzealous WHO officials and their advisers from within the industry - are being proven right by recent revelations. Digital Journal

World Health Organization officials estimated that between 2 and 7.4 million could die. As the German magazine reports, the swine flu pandemic of 2009 may have been engineered by the drug companies:
The pharmaceutical industry did not influence any of our decisions," says Fukuda. But in mid-May, about three weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters. The official reason for the meeting was to discuss ways to ensure that developing countries would be provided with pandemic vaccine. But at this point in time the vaccine industry was mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare phase 6.

Everything hung on this decision. At stake was nothing less than a move to supply large segments of the world's population with flu vaccine. Phase 6 acted as a switch that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free. That's because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany, for example, signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2007 to buy its pandemic vaccine -- as soon as phase 6 was declared. This agreement could explain why Professor Roy Anderson, one key scientific advisor to the British government, declared the swine flu a pandemic on May 1. What he neglected to say was that GSK was paying him an annual salary of more than €130,000 ($177,000).
Below is the information for todays post, I highly recommend reading more into how the wool was pulled over a vast majority of peoples eyes.

Der Spiegel
Digital Journal

Additionally, read this article from Natural News reviewing 'The 10 biggest health care lies in America'.

If you would like to know more about how to take your health into your own hands read the collection of articles, Heal Yourself in 15 Days, these articles describe the factors the truly compliment chiropractic care.

Happy reading!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Diet Is So Easy, Even You Can Do It

Have you ever heard of an overweight caveman?


I first wanted to put together a post about healthy snacking after looking at a Good Housekeeping The Best 100 Calorie Snacks article. Within this very popular magazine article you will find many apparent good ideas for eating healthy. But a closer inspection left me feeling disgusted at the recommendations. So I changed my focus to something that I am doing.

The Paleolithic, or Cavemen, diet.

Besides Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble, most portrayals of the people who lived 12,000 years ago depict slender folks baring rock-hard abs. What's their secret? Surely it's great exercise to be out chasing woolly mammoths and foraging for berries all day. And it helped that there were no Fruity Pebbles or venti white chocolate mocha's hundreds of generations ago. The Washington Post.

There is a scientific premise to all of this; our dietary needs were formed 500 generations ago and are nearly identical to those of Stone Agers. This was first proposed in the 1980s, but popularized with 2002's "The Paleo Diet," by Loren Cordain, a professor at Colorado State University.

Calories are important when eating, but what is more important is what makes up those calories. You can read more about the importance of the source of the calorie on this informative blog, The Fit Dad Says.

But, seriously, what if we ate like our Paleolithic ancestors? That would be lots of lean meats, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables; no grains, salt, sugar, legumes or dairy products. Some people do, and it's called the Paleo diet -- short for Paleolithic, which refers to the era before agriculture took hold, a movement away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle that resulted in settled societies, and, eventually, Twinkies and couch potatoes.

If you'd like to learn more about what the Paleolithic diet is all about follow these links below

The Paleo Diet
The Healing Crow

The combination of Chiropractic and these eating principles will reward your body, and your body will reward you!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

That Something

The post this week is to direct you towards one of the most famous chiropractic stories, "That Something".

The story of "That Something," it would seem, is thought to be intended to be an autobiographical sketch from the developer of chiropractic, BJ Palmer, and how he achieved success in his life .

How much of it is true and how much is part of the author's fertile imagination is unknown, probably to everyone except BJ himself.

It seems to me that it is not really important whether it is true, wholly, partly or not at all.

It is the message that is important. It is the message that everyone from Napoleon Hill and Clement Stone to Jim Rhone and Zig Ziglar have conveyed, which is, the key to success.

I believe the key lies in the two little words "I will."

"I" means taking responsibility for your life success or failure.

BJ realized very early in life that he was not a prisoner of his childhood or his cruel stepmother. He was responsible for his own life, to make it a success or failure. He knew he could not blame his faults or his problems on anyone else. I certainly would agree that one is success or failure in a matter of choice.

The second word, "will." demonstrates why one is responsible.

"Will" implies volition. Volition implies free choice. We are free to choose success or failure, right or wrong, good or evil. That seems to be the message of the story and how BJ chose to be successful in his life.

Of course, I would claim that those choices come from an educated brain, for that is why we have one! Innate intelligence does not make choices in the sense of good and bad decisions. It acts as a law or principle. Therefore it is up to our educated intelligence to make those choices which make for life what it is to be, for better or worse.

I would like to thank Joe Strauss' and his Green Book Club commentaries for much of the insight and commentary above.

You can read the entire story of "That Something" by clicking here.