Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Toxic Chemical in Canned Formula Exceeds Doses that Seriously Harmed Test Animals

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) conducted tests of canned infant formula that found high levels of Bisphenol-A leaches from the metal can lining into the infant formula at levels which have been found harmful to test animals. This chmical has been linked to neurodevelopmental problems and reproductive problems. Could there be a link with the high incidence of ADD, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental diseases. Could the early exposure of our now adult males be a part or the cause of the current fetility challenges many couples face?

The American Academy of Pediatrics has not taken a fromal position on the dangerous interactions of BPA with our children. Go to this website and bookmark it for future reference if you want to find out more,

We were aware of this many years ago and continue to try and avoid any potential exposure to BPA.

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