Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Health Revolution Petition

I recieve a newsletter from a natural health news site and the lastest letter discussed a details of a petition for our health freedoms as consumers of health/wellness related products and services.

I believe this is extremely important, not only for ourselves, but for our future children, society and planet

This petition goes into further details but here are the basics:

- Rewards people that engage in true preventative measures
- Describes an alternative health insurance that keeps us, the public, in control of how we use our dollars for our health
- Putting an end to government and industry persecution of alternative and complementary care practitioners
- Allow free speech of health related products
- Affirms your rights to choose to avoid or utilize vaccinations
- Investigate corruption of the pharmaceutical and government relationships
- Protect our food supply
- Restore honest science
- End the era of big pharma domination over health care
- Protect children and educate parents from the products that compromise their health
- Invest in disease prevention
- Protect our environment from the drug and chemical companies

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is a Subluxation?

In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine.

This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes a negative signal which interferes with the signals traveling over those nerves.

How does this affect you?

Your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body. If you interfere with the signals traveling over nerves, parts of your body will not get the proper nerve messages and will not be able to function at 100% of their normal abilities. In other words, some part of your body will not be working properly.

Take a look at this nerve chart to see which nerves go to what areas of your body.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Processed People

I came across this movie trailer. I thought you may find it interesting.

Changing Your Lifestyle Can Change Your Genes

I've been hearing alot about genetics lately. I'm sure you have as well, it's all over the news.

I hear a lot of people talk about sickness and disease due to the genes that they've inherited. Do you think that we are having more cancer, more diabetes, more heart disease, more brain disfunction, more of everything because our genes are bad?

If you ask any geneticist, we have about the same genes that we started with over 500 generations ago.

Then how come so many people talk about genetics causing their health problems?

I believe most people have been caught up in the blame game, instead of comparing our ancestors lifestyle to our current lifestyle, some peoeple believe that we are just unlucky.

Well in this Newsweek article posted by Dr. Dean Ornish , he describes a study recently completed about how improveing eating habits, stress managemnet techniques, exercise routines, and other non-invasive methods can change an individuals genetic expression.

In other words how you eat, move and think improves your genetics and health!!

Could you possibly agree that since the inventions of computers, mirowaves, television, big mac's, processed foods, chemical industry, etc that our bodies have an increased burden and therefore our genes have to respond differently due to our environment.

This environment consists of a lack of exercise, lack of good nutrients, lack of appropraite mental health and an over abundace of polluntants, chemicals, sugars, and medications.

We need to discover two things to achieve health and wellness.

1. Finding out what our body requires: Purity and sufficeincy
2. Riding of what pollutes our body: Deficencies and toxicities

The process of finding out what is toxic, pure, deficient or sufficent can be a challenge. But aren't you worth it!!

Visit our calendar page to find out how you can begin your quest to greater health!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scientific Truths Regarding Health and Sickness

I get a lot of questions asking; How do I get healthy? What supplement can I take? What food do I eat? What exercise program should I follow?

There are many great questions, but most of them are coming from a symptom based viewpoint. We must consider our health from an Above Down Inside Out perspective.

What do I mean by this?

All health comes from within, but we have to be able to supply the proper ingredients and be free of subluxation and pollutants for our bodies to express health. Your nervous system and organs are ready to handle anything that comes its way, all we have to do is make sure the right ingredients are available to defend against the attack.

The following is a summary from Dr Chestnut's research: what I hope to accomplish is that you gain an ability to look at your life, your health, and your decisions differently.

10 Fundemental Scientific Truths Regarding Health and Sickness
  1. All living things, including humans, are composed of individual living cells working harmoniously together in a self-healing and self-regulating ecosystem to maintain homeostasis, health, and life.

  2. Our cells are innately, or genetically, equipped from birth with all the necessary intelligence to function properly. Our cells are programmed for homeostasis and health and they never dysfunction without a physical, emotional, chemical, or spiritual stressor.

  3. Our cells are genetically programmed with the recipe for health; it is our choices and our living environment that determine whether or not the proper ingredients are supplied.

  4. Health, by definition, is a state of constant homeostatic cell function.

  5. Sickness, by definition, is a lack of consistent homeostatic cell function or a state of forced adaptive cell function.

  6. The function of our cells determines our states of health and sickness.

  7. The causes of all non-homeostatic cell function are stressors.

  8. All health stressors can be divided into one of two categories:
    a. Deficiencies in the required ingredients for homeostatic cell function.

    b. Toxicities that drive cell function away from homeostasis.

  9. Because cells are born with all the required innate genetic intelligence for homeostasis and health, cells always function perfectly in relation to any given environment.
    a. Symptoms do not represent an error in the intelligence of cells. Symptoms represent important signals from cells telling you that there is something wrong, deficiency or toxicity, and that they are under stress.

    b. Illness represents you body’s best ability to adapt to a chronic unhealthy environment, to chronic deficiency or toxicity, and/or to chronic stressors.

  10. In order to function in balance and produce health, cells must have all the requirements met and be free of toxicity. In other words, it is impossible to be 100% healthy by supplying cells with only some of the requirements or by eliminating only some toxins

You probably will have questions, if you don't, please read it again. If you do, I'll see you at a workshop and I can show you how to get started.