Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Psychiatric Drug Searchable Database

If you watch television, listen to the radio, or read any magazine or newspaper, then you are well aware of how many medications are available to take.

Literally hundreds.

Most people understand that there are associated side effects with these medications. But have you taken the time to think about what this truly means.

When you take a medication the side effects are not really the side effects. They are the effects!

As reported by Reuters and Dr. Mercola a research article made available in 2007:

47 percent said their doctors dismissed their muscle or cognitive problems, and said they were not statin-related
51 percent with a type of nerve pain called peripheral neuropathy said their doctors denied a connection to the drugs
32 percent said their doctors denied a connection between their symptoms and statins
29 percent said their doctors "neither endorsed nor dismissed the possibility of symptom link to statins"

These stats are related to statin drugs, which are for cholesterol concerns. For more info regarding cholesterol read this previous post.

Ok, getting back on track. I was made aware of a new database for reviewing the effects of taking anti-depressant medications. Psychiatric Drug Side Effect Database

If you or someone you know is on these medications find out if you are aware of these effects. I would also visit the Citizens Commission on Human Rights for a transparent look at what these medications can do.

They questions I feel you should be asking are, does taking these drugs make my entire body balanced and more healthy, or does adding the chemicals create a negative body burden and only cover up the symptoms?

When you honestly answer these questions in your mind the outcome is obvious.

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