Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Want to Avoid the Flu? Exercise!

I came across this article today and after reviewing it I knew this is something I wanted to share. The first line of the article states, "Regular exercise may help reduce the misery of the flu by boosting the immune system's response to the virus".

Intuitively I think you know that exercise does this, but it helps to be reminded of it once and a while.

Take a moment and read the full article posted by Reuters titled Regular Exercise May Help Battle the Flu.

The article is cautious to give a definitive answer, but there are many studies and reports that show the benefits of exercise and overall health.

If you can bear with me, stand up. Stand up and reach as high as you can , then reach down and touch your toes. Make sure to breath deep when you go up and breath out when you go down.

Try this five or six times!

How do you feel?

Do you feel alive? Awake? Energetic?

The point I'm trying to make is this; when you move your body and your spine moves with a good range of motion, your nerves will relay messages to your brain. Some of messages being sent can act like charging a wind up flash light.

Instead of the result being light, it is more health!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fever in Children - A Blessing in Disguise

With all the buzz regarding H1N1 and the seasonal flu, parents everywhere are very concerned with the health of their children.

One of the most common symptoms recognized is the presence of a fever. So I thought it would be good to review what a fever means, when a fever is beneficial and when is it time to get further assistance.

For detailed information check out this article on Dr. Mercola did a fantastic review of a majority of the information and I will add my two cents for where I feel some additional steps would be necessary.

Here are some of the highlights from the article.

- Fever is not a disease but rather a symptom of an illness. Fever is only one part of the picture of an illness. In fact, for children under eight years of age, and especially for infants, the severity of a fever is an unreliable indicator of the severity of the child's illness

-A basic fever, one due to minor bacterial or viral illness, can be an expression of the immune system working at its best.

-A mild fever increases the white blood cells that kill cells infected with viruses, fungi, and cancer, and improves the ability of certain white blood cells to destroy bacteria and infected cells. Fever also impairs the replication of many bacteria and viruses.

- If fever helps defend against infection, giving fever-reducing medications may make things worse. In addition, some fever medications can have undesirable side effects.

The only thing that I would add to this list is to make sure the child receives an adjustment. Making sure that the child's spine is moving properly to allow the nervous system to properly direct the immune system to fight whatever lead to the fever is of primary importance.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chiropractic Validated by Medical Research

There are many people out there that are unclear what chiropractic is and what it can offer them. I feel a lot of this confusion is even contained in the professionals that are supposed to have full understanding of how the body works. Often I hear, "My doctor told me to stop seeing a chiropractor" or "chiropractic is unscientific".

Although these statements are completely invalid, they are quite common when ever I speak with someone.

Well the good news has arrived. In an article that I discovered on, there is irrefutable scientific evidence performed by a medical doctor reviewing how the spine, the nervous system, organ and over health are intimately connected.

Here's a brief synopsis:

Dr. Winsor
"The object of these dissections was to determine whether any connection existed between minor curvatures of the spine, on the one hand, and diseased organs on the other; or whether the two were entirely independent of each other."

"Two hundred twenty-one (221) structures other than the spine were found diseased. Of these, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic (nerve) segments as the vertebrae in curvature. Nine diseased organs belonged to different sympathetic segments from the vertebrae out of line."

These figures cannot be expected to exactly coincide ... for an organ may receive sympathetic filaments from several spinal segments and several organs may be supplied with sympathetic (nerve) filaments from the same spinal segments. In other words, there was nearly a 100 percent correlation between minor curvatures of the spine and diseases of the internal organs."

So what does all this mean?

In short, when bone is stuck in an abnormal position, whether due to accident, habits, or any other number of events, the nerve that travels past that bone is interrupted. That interrupted nerve then carries a less than optimal signal to an organ, lets use the heart as an example. Then as the heart continues to pump blood and oxygen, the healing repairing signal is unable to do all the necessary work to correct any wear and tear that may have been sustained from everyday activity.

I highly recommend reading the entire article here, and be sure to check out the associated articles at the end of the article.

I'd be willing to bet that there's some nerve interference disrupting a friend or loved ones health potential. Who do you know that needs a check up?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Autism Rates Double In Children

In a news article recently released by reported that Autism rates have doubled since last evaluation of the national statistics in 2003.

Now this number came from a parent survey on the health of more than 78,000 included in the national survey of children's health. The reason I bring this up is the rest of the article goes on to explain the different reasons why this may be true. Read the article for yourself here.

Now, I understand why some doctors and researchers want to be cautious at jumping to conclusions, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth after reading this.

Some other information that I came across regarding this recent report was reported at This report goes on to pose some questions and points brought up in the discussion regarding autism. He also breaks down some of the facts regarding autism in this brief article.

If you are concerned with this non-mainstream point of view NaturalNews put together a summary of research that you can go to and read... I will admit, opens up some questions regarding vaccines and the safety. You can read that article here.

Finally for some resources with full disclosure of vaccine, autism, and other issues surrounding this topic visit some of these websites:

World Association for Vaccine Education
Vaccine Liberation