Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Autism Rates Double In Children

In a news article recently released by reported that Autism rates have doubled since last evaluation of the national statistics in 2003.

Now this number came from a parent survey on the health of more than 78,000 included in the national survey of children's health. The reason I bring this up is the rest of the article goes on to explain the different reasons why this may be true. Read the article for yourself here.

Now, I understand why some doctors and researchers want to be cautious at jumping to conclusions, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth after reading this.

Some other information that I came across regarding this recent report was reported at This report goes on to pose some questions and points brought up in the discussion regarding autism. He also breaks down some of the facts regarding autism in this brief article.

If you are concerned with this non-mainstream point of view NaturalNews put together a summary of research that you can go to and read... I will admit, opens up some questions regarding vaccines and the safety. You can read that article here.

Finally for some resources with full disclosure of vaccine, autism, and other issues surrounding this topic visit some of these websites:

World Association for Vaccine Education
Vaccine Liberation

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