Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cereal that boosts immunity?

Recently I came across this story reported by Mike Adams on regarding health claims made by Kellogg's stating that their cereal now boosts your immunity.

I took a double take when I read the headline.

Take a look at the original story found on USA Today here.

The fact is the first few ingredients contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated oils. Regardless of the other ingredients, these three make it an immunity suppressant!

Kellogg's claim is that the added vitamins make the cereal a healthy choice... but how can synthetically made vitamins sprayed on the cereal take the place of naturally occurring vitamins found in fruits and vegetables?

If you would like to read a great opinion piece regarding this same topic I highly recommend this article from He poses some important questions and lays down some facts about cereals marketed for children.

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