The story starts off by showing a few before and after pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alec Baldwin, Pierce Brosnan, Russell Crowe, Clint Eastwood and more. Take a look here. All heart throbs and mans men in their day, but as the photographs show, aren't any more.
But when you get down to Jack Lalanne's picture, there is a dramatic difference. He still looks good, is in better shape, and has more vitality than any one of these above mentioned stars.
Below I'm going to post Jack's pictures and some old T.V. spots that he did back in the black and white days. I was certainly impressed with what Jack was trying to show America back then. The funny thing is, with ever advancing medical diagnosis and treatment, disease get more and more difficult to deal with and more and more people are suffering from them. But the true cause of health and healing has never changed.
Take a look...
Age 40

Age 71

Age 93

So what's his secret?
Watch these two brief You Tube clips and you'll find out.
You can see more from Jack Lalanne on, check out the TV!
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