Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Foods to Watch For

It's about that time for the New Years celebration and I know I've been asking about resolutions. There has been a lot of mixed answers to this question, but the most popular one is.... " I don't do New Year Resolutions."

After thinking why this may be, I came to the conclusion that, like many people, the will power may be there in the beginning but old habits come back around. So who would want to fail at something else?

There's a lot to consider about successfully improving your quality of life, so I would like to make a simple suggestion that I feel can be very impactful and easy to maintain.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest,, put together a great 10 best and 10 worst foods list. I challenge you to go the web page and choose one food item to avoid from the worst food list and one food item from the best food list.

The key, from this point forward, is to consistently eat the added good food and avoid eating the bad food. (By the way, if you chose one of the bad foods to avoid, and you regularly don't eat that food in the first place, you are only cheating yourself)

Additionally, I came another great article titled "The 7 Food Experts Won't Eat" by Shine from Yahoo. This is one of the best main stream media articles regarding this topic that I have come across, so I recommend taking 5 minutes and learn something new today!

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is Your Tap Water Safe?

Have you ever wondered where your drinking water comes from? A river, creek, or mountain snow run off?

We live in an era where all we have to do is turn the tap on and magically the water appears. No longer do we depend on walking down to the river or lowering a container down the well and carry buckets back to our home. Yes, we are very fortunate. I believe there are still many people in the world in which this is a daily chore that is required for survival.

In a special report recently released by the environmental working group, a multi year review of the nations water companies and the pollutants discovered in them has been released. You can read the
full report here.

Below, is the opening two paragraphs from the email notice that I received:

"Since 2004, testing by water utilities has found 316 pollutants in the tap water that Americans drink, according to drinking water analysis of almost 20 million records obtained from state water officials...

More than half of the chemicals detected are not subjected to health or safety regulations and can legally be present in any amount. The federal government does have health guidelines for others, but 49 of these contaminants have been found in one place or another at levels above those guidelines, polluting the tap water for 53.6 million Americans. The government has not set a single new drinking water standard since 2001."

So what's the good news? When the Environmental Protection Agency sets mandatory water quality standards, the tests show that local water suppliers meet them 92% of the time. The bad news? The standards need to be much tougher to protect children and pregnant women, and the EPA hasn't set a single new drinking water standard in 9 years.

To find out what's in your tap water click here.
(On the right hand side of the page there is a gadget to either enter your zip code or water company)

To find out what water filter is right for you and your home click here.

To review a guide for safer drinking water click here.

An additional water filter resource is

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Magic Bullet For Life

Today, I came across an article titled "Finding Your Health Magic Bullet" and the opening lines well stated the expectations that many people have about their health. In fact, this is exactly what I thought before I was introduced to chiropractic !

Here's some of the opening paragraph:

Everyone is looking for the health "magic bullet". We all want to be
well and not plagued with sickness or infirmity. We are looking for that one
thing that is both simple and effective and above all requires little effort on
our part... there is a magic bullet and that magic bullet resides within each and every one of us." (*

*Contains strong descriptions

The article is quick to the point and goes through many concerns regarding our desires, habits, and thoughts. The media, your nutrition, our food supply and the ties they have to our health.

Now after reading that article, you may be slightly alarmed, maybe more?

What the author is trying to explain, is that your body was made with blueprints (genes) that were designed to use pure natural elements, and we get these elements through eating. (This article only talks about food, but exercise, spinal movement, and mental health all fall under this line of thought)

Throughout all history there has never been any synthetic, chemical, processed, hydrogenated or genetic addition to our food supply. Not until recent history, 50 years or so.

Our blueprints, or genes, have become inundated with unnatural forms and substances. The only way to deal with these issues is to change the way the immune system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, digestive system, muscular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and reproductive system act and function.

We see and experience this as Syndrome X: Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, mental disorders, fatigue, and the list goes on and on.

Now, where does that leave you? There's lots I can tell you, there's a lot our office can show you, but it stems from your desire.

Where do you want to be in 20, 30, or 40 years? What does it look like? How do you get there?

All tough questions, but I am holding a workshop on December 21st at 6:45. I will be going over exactly how I began to turn my life around and some information from some of the greatest minds on health, life, planning and motivation. My hope is to begin to answer some of those questions for you and help direct you on the right path.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Exercise Prevents Cell Aging

So the proof is in the pudding. I think most people knew that if an individual exercises regularly there are positive health benefits. It's pretty evident to see who has been committed and who hasn't.

But if you're like me, you enjoy reading some of the scientific evidence behind these assumptions. A recent article released by Live Science revealed that regular physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level.

That's a remarkable statement! A cellular level! That means the millions upon millions of cells that you depend on, but never think about, do a better job and live longer when you decide to exercise. I'm 100% certain that there is also a correlation between how much health is expressed by those cells compared to the consistency and amount of exercise performed.

Here are two paragraphs from the article, but I recommend reading the entire piece here.

The research found that intensive exercise prevents the shortening of telomeres — the DNA that bookends chromosomes and protects the ends from damage — much like the cap on the end of a shoelace.

The shortening of telomeres limits cells to a fixed number of divisions and can be regarded as a "biological clock." Gradual shortening of telomeres through cell divisions leads to aging on the cellular level and may limit lifetimes. When the telomeres become critically short, the cell dies.