Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Elimating Diabetes With Diet and Exercise

October of last a year the Los Angeles Times ran an article highlighting the cases of five people who have successfully cut out the use of insulin and other diabetes drugs through improvements in their diet and exercise habits.

The article includes 5 brief descriptions of the featured patients including: name, age, occupation, brief history of the symptoms, what they did to heal and their words of advice.

Below I will include there words of wisdom and links to introductory resources to help anyone you know get started on the road to a better life.

Here's some of the advice from people who have healed from both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes:

"Make moving more [of] a habit. I park on the top floor of my office's parking structure . . . and I pick the farthest parking space at the shopping center."

"I wish people understood that what you eat now influences what you want to eat next. A low-carb diet is the best way to curb your appetite and maintain your weight."

"Find someone who will help you truly understand your illness. I have two college degrees and didn't understand how damaging my diet was."

"Lose weight. Eat right."

"Don't underestimate the body's potential to heal on its own."

What Keeps these individuals motivated:

"I will do anything to avoid that terrible foot pain I had. I had uncles lose limbs to diabetes. I never want that to happen to me.

"His great grandmother had a stroke and lost a leg to diabetes, and his grandfather went blind and died of kidney disease, also due to diabetes. Besides, he adds, "I like how I look now, and more important, how I feel.

"I didn't survive cancer to die of diabetes."

"I can't believe the freedom from not taking shots all the time. I don't know what to do with all my time.""This isn't hard. Being on insulin is hard."

Here are some of the resources for someone to read up a little more regarding Diabetes

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Improve Your Quality of Life by 60%

Improving your quality of life is a very admirable goal!

In fact it's very simple.

A study from the American Journal of Medicine revealed that simply walking 3 times a week decreased the prevalence of dieing from heart disease by 60 percent.
As little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week can reduce the risk of early heart-disease-related death by 60 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Department of Cardiology in New Orleans and published in the American Journal of Medicine.
To clarify, the study was performed on individuals that already had heart disease, in fact it was performed with people who were under going cardiac rehabilitation.

This is a very good sign, even for those who don't have heart disease.

Simply put, walking moderately 3-5 times a week has tremendous health benefits.

These benefits go far beyond heart health, also included are significant improvements of mood, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, weight control, cancer, and the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life.

To read the original article that started this blog post stop by Natural News and read it for your self.

Take charge of your life and add a simple routine like walking 3 times a week, you will thank yourself!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Worried About Your Cholesterol?

Have you ever felt under attack from messages from commercials, companies, and doctors.

In fact, the title of this post sounds like a TV commercial... You are informed that high levels of bad cholesterol are the ticket to an early grave and must be brought down.

Some researchers have even suggested—half-jokingly—that the medications should be put in the water supply, like fluoride for teeth.

Used by more than 13 million Americans and an additional 12 million patients around the world, producing $27.8 billion in sales in 2006 and spent well over 10 billion in marketing.

The drugs are thought to be so essential that, according to the official government guidelines from the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), 40 million Americans should be taking them.

Let's get to the point, there is wide spread promotion and use of cholesterol lowering drugs, and research now conclusively reveals that these medications only have a benefit for people that have already had a heart attack, and it's not guaranteed to help them either. posted a article asking tremendous questions and revealing many facts about the business of statin drugs.

These questions surround most drugs, not just statins. One dirty little secret of modern medicine is that many drugs work only in a minority of people.

"There's a tendency to assume drugs work really well, but people would be
surprised by the actual magnitude of the benefits," says Dr. Steven Woloshin,
associate professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School.

The fact is that these medications have overt symptoms in 10-15% people that take them.

Does that mean that they are harming the other 85-90% of people on an sub clinical level?

I highly recommend reading the article, and if you want to know more check out these other resources:

Dangers of Cholesterol Medications - B2HC
Does Cholesterol Matter? - Natural News
Why Cholesterol May Not Be the Cause of Heart Disease - The Huffington Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bone Health and Osteoporosis Alert

Did you see ABC World News this past Monday night?

There was a special about Fosamax after some alarming problems detected by medical doctors after seeing trends of broken legs in women taking this drug.

Many people believe that osteoporosis is a normal effect of getting older. In fact, many people think that adding a simple medication, as a security measure, is the best way to prevent brittle bones and osteoporosis related problems after menopause.

But the truth may be far worse than the ABC report describes. Below, click and watch the ABC News video, then continue reading the rest of the blog post.

One word of caution while watching this. You will continue to see and hear the interviewed doctors and reporters positioning the continued use of this drug as safe for some women and not for others. (Keep in mind pharmaceutical companies sponsor news programs like ABC News) Currently, I am not aware of any test to determine which women may be eligible to benefit from which medication, so it sounds like a case of Russian Roulette.

Here's the ABC News Report

This is not the first story to break regarding osteoporosis drugs and increased health problems.
Osteoporosis medications have been linked to a host of side effects including debilitating muscle pain and a serious bone problem, osteonecrosis of the jaw, which literally causes the jaw bone to die. Now comes a study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine scientists that evaluated a possible association between bisphosphonates and the development of irregular, sometimes fatal, heart arrhythmia's.
In my opinion the effects of any medications block the body's normal ability to communicate with itself, therefore leading to confusion, and over time, more problems - aka disease.

For more articles associated with osteoporosis medications review the links below:

Washington Post: Study Links Osteoporosis Drugs to Jaw Trouble
Food and Drug Administration, FDA: Severe Pain with Osteoporosis Drugs (3rd article down)

If you would like more information regarding osteoporosis, increasing your quality of life, or understanding many other health concerns visit our website or attend one of our free workshops.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scrubbing Your Veggies

Like many people out there I try to buy organic foods, but it's hard to do all the time. Unfortunately, if your not 100% sure where your food was grown there's a chance it's been covered in pesticides and herbicides.

I'm definately trying to avoid as much of those toxic chemicals as possible!

According to this great article from , there are a number of ways to clean your fruits and vegetables, and it turns out that a water and vinegar mixture is the most effective method to do the job.

Here's the paragraph describing a few of the details.

The editors of Cooks Illustrated magazine tested this theory by using four different methods to clean pears and apples: a vinegar and water solution (3:1, water:vinegar), antibacterial liquid soap, scrubbing with a stiff brush, and just using plain water. Not only did the vinegar mixture work the best, it was far, far better when measured for bacteria -- it removed 98% of bacteria, compared to just under 85% for scrubbing.

Be sure to read the Suite101 article to get all the details of how to make the inexpensive home version so you can make the best of everything you cook.