Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scrubbing Your Veggies

Like many people out there I try to buy organic foods, but it's hard to do all the time. Unfortunately, if your not 100% sure where your food was grown there's a chance it's been covered in pesticides and herbicides.

I'm definately trying to avoid as much of those toxic chemicals as possible!

According to this great article from , there are a number of ways to clean your fruits and vegetables, and it turns out that a water and vinegar mixture is the most effective method to do the job.

Here's the paragraph describing a few of the details.

The editors of Cooks Illustrated magazine tested this theory by using four different methods to clean pears and apples: a vinegar and water solution (3:1, water:vinegar), antibacterial liquid soap, scrubbing with a stiff brush, and just using plain water. Not only did the vinegar mixture work the best, it was far, far better when measured for bacteria -- it removed 98% of bacteria, compared to just under 85% for scrubbing.

Be sure to read the Suite101 article to get all the details of how to make the inexpensive home version so you can make the best of everything you cook.

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