Thursday, May 22, 2014

Aerobic Exercise Better than Resistance Training for Obese Girls

In the past 30 years, adolescent obesity has tripled. 

Researchers divided 44 obese teenaged girls into three groups

1) one hour of aerobic activity performed on a treadmill or elliptical trainer three times a week for three months
2) one hour of resistance training using weight machines, also performed three times a week for three months
3) no structured physical activity for three months. 

Compared with the sedentary group, girls in both exercise groups had less total fat and intramuscular fat after the training period ended. 

However, the participants in the aerobic activity group also lost visceral and liver fat and experienced improved insulin sensitivity. 

In addition, they appeared to enjoy their workout more than the girls in the resistance training group. 

The authors of the study conclude, “Therefore, given the superior improvements in metabolic health with aerobic exercise and the enjoyment factor, we propose that aerobic exercise may be a better mode of exercise for adolescent girls of this age group”.   

American Physiological Society, November 2013

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