Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Antibiotics on the verge of becoming completely useless

by Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The journal Lancet Infectious Diseases recently published a sobering piece about how antibiotics are becoming wholly ineffective as treatments for infection. According to the report, even the most powerful antibiotics available are largely inadequate at tackling the emerging forms of new and powerful "super" bacteria.

Antibiotic overuse has become a pandemic problem. They are used in animal feed to make animals grow more quickly and they are handed out like candy by many doctors to people with almost any ailment. And they are simply not working anymore to fight infection.

Published by Professor Tim Walsh and his colleagues, the paper explains how a new gene called NDM 1 is changing the way infectious bacteria survive. The NDM 1 gene passes among bacteria like E. Coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae and makes them resistant to antibiotics. Even carbapenems, the most powerful antibiotics available, are no match for these new bacteria.

"This is potentially the end. There are no antibiotics in the pipeline that have activity against NDM 1-producing enterobacteriaceae. We have a bleak window of maybe ten years where we are going to have to use the antibiotics we have very wisely, but also grapple with the reality that we have nothing to treat these infections with," explained Walsh in a recent Guardian piece.

According to Dr. Livermore, director of the antibiotic resistance monitoring and reference laboratory at the U.K. Health Protection Agency, the entirety of modern medicine could collapse as a result of antibiotics becoming useless.

"A lot of modern medicine would become impossible if we lost our ability to treat infections," he emphasized.

Sources for this story include:


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

THIS Asthma Solution Costs No Money...

Courtesy: www.mercola.com

Asthmatic children with low blood vitamin D levels may have a greater risk of suffering severe asthma attacks.

A study followed more than 1,000 children with asthma for four years, and found those with vitamin-D insufficiency at the outset were more likely to have an asthma attack that required a trip to the hospital.

Reuters reports:

“When the researchers considered other factors -- including the severity of the children's asthma at the study's start, their weight and their family income -- vitamin D insufficiency itself was linked to a 50 percent increase in the risk of severe asthma attacks.”

Vitamin D never ceases to amaze, and research into its impact on non-bone related diseases continues to yield positive results.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a variety of health conditions, from depression to autoimmune disorders, to colds and flu, to cancer, and now asthma, and even cognitive function.

This is good news.

Asthma has increased by more than 300 percent over the last two decades, now affecting some 20 million Americans, and if vitamin D is even partially responsible for this meteoric rise in prevalence, then the answer is literally right outside your door.

Millions of people are needlessly exposing themselves to the dangers inherent with the standard drug treatments for asthma. Advair, for example, contains the long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) salmeterol, which can actually increase the severity of an asthma attack.

Researchers estimate that salmeterol may contribute to as many as 5,000 asthma-related deaths in the United States each year. Conventional asthma treatments can also increase your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis, just to name a few.

This is why it’s so important to start focusing our attention on simple, effective, and infinitely safer methods, such as increasing vitamin D levels, to combat the underlying cause of this growing health problem.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Asthma at All Time Highs
Right now, only 5 to 37 percent of American infants meet the standard for vitamin D set by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which will make them prime candidates for a slew of future health problems related to vitamin D deficiency – one of them being asthma.

At the end of 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics doubled its recommended dose of vitamin D for infants, children and adolescents, raising it from 200 to 400 units per day. But research published earlier that same year revealed children may need ten times that amount in order to receive the health benefits that optimal vitamin D levels have to offer.

Many mothers also are vitamin D-deficient, which is another contributor to asthma. A 2007 study showed that poor diet and lack of vitamin D during pregnancy were the determining factors in whether their children suffered from asthma by the age of five.

In addition, this latest study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology confirms previous findings, showing that asthmatic children with low blood vitamin D levels also have an increased risk of suffering severe asthma attacks.

According to this study, vitamin D insufficiency itself was linked to a 50 percent increase in the risk of severe asthma attacks.

This makes sense, as a number of other studies have confirmed that there’s an inverse association between respiratory infections and vitamin D levels in children. This is likely because vitamin D upregulates a specific gene that produces over 200 anti-microbial peptides, some of which work like a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

In addition, optimizing your overall immune function is an essential part of treating asthma, and vitamin D is proven to be an incredibly powerful immune modulator, which is why optimizing your vitamin D levels is so essential.

Beware: Conventional Vitamin D Recommendations are Still Too Low
Based on the latest research, many experts now agree you need about 35 IU’s of vitamin D per pound of body weight. This recommendation also includes children, the elderly and pregnant women.

This is a far cry from the 200-600 IU’s currently recommended by our health agencies.

Remember, however, that vitamin D requirements are highly individual.

Your vitamin D status is dependent on several factors, such as the color of your skin, your location, and how much sunshine you’re exposed to on a regular basis. So, although these recommendations may put you closer to the level of what most people likely need, it is virtually impossible to make a blanket recommendation that will cover everyone.

The only accurate way to determine your optimal dose is to get your blood tested. Ideally, you’ll want to maintain a vitamin D level of at least 50ng/ml and perhaps as high as 80-90 ng/ml year-round.

For in-depth information about safe sun exposure, dosing and other recommendations to safely and effectively optimize your vitamin D levels, please review this previous article.

Additional Safe and Effective Strategies to Treat Asthma
Although asthma is a serious disease, safely treating your asthma is not complicated.

Optimizing your vitamin D levels is the first step, but there are other simple strategies that can help treat the root of the problem as well.

In my experience, the following strategies are highly effective when treating asthma:

•Increase your intake of animal-based omega 3 fats and reduce your intake of processed omega 6 fats
•Consider the hygiene hypothesis – There’s a tendency in our modern culture to be obsessive about cleanliness, but this may not be as healthy as initially thought. It appears that being exposed to common bacterial and viral infections as a child can be instrumental in providing the stimulus to your immune system to prevent asthma naturally.
•Get regular exercise – Exercise (especially out in fresh air if you’re an asthmatic) is actually crucial, as it helps to moderate insulin levels. It increases your insulin receptor sensitivity, and as a result your body produces less insulin, which tends to optimize it.
•Purify your indoor air
•Avoid all commercial milk products. They are notorious for making asthma worse. If you consume milk at all, use only raw milk products from grass-fed cows, but even then be careful and take note of whether or not the raw milk is making your asthma better or worse.
•Eat foods rich in vitamin E. Much like vitamin D, higher vitamin E intake has also been associated with lower serum IgE concentrations and a lower frequency of allergen sensitization.
•Hydrate well. You will want to make sure you drink enough clean pure water to turn your urine a light color of yellow, as dehydration will clearly worsen asthma.
•Try some Butterbur (Petasites hybridus). This perennial shrub has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of conditions. As far back as the 17th century, butterbur was used to treat coughs, asthma, and skin wounds. Researchers have since identified the compounds in butterbur that help reduce symptoms in asthma by inhibiting leukotrienes and histamines, which are responsible for symptom aggravation in asthma. In one study, 40 percent of patients taking a butterbur root extract were able to reduce their intake of traditional asthma medications.
•Build your immune system with allergy testing. In my experience, conventional testing does not work very effectively and there is a fair amount of risk. A far better intradermal skin test is the provocation neutralization testing. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has a list of physicians who are trained in this highly effective technique.
The Link Between Asthma and Allergies
In addition to the 20 million Americans suffering from asthma, another 60 million are affected by allergic rhinitis, or ‘hay fever.’

The hidden link between asthma and allergies?

Again, vitamin D deficiency!

So whether you’re an asthmatic or suffer from allergies, optimizing your vitamin D levels should be at the top of your list.

For natural allergy relief, another recent study found that Pycnogenol®, an antioxidant plant extract derived from the bark of the French maritime pine tree can offer significant relief.

Although it won’t treat the root cause of the problem, it may be worth a try to get relief from the symptoms, which can be quite debilitating for some, such as itchy rashes, swelling, hives, and excessive mucous.

Vitamin D is Important for Thinking Clearly Too
As I mentioned at the beginning, scientists have also found more evidence linking vitamin D and cognitive function, by studying seniors receiving home care. Cognitive function is the level at which your brain is able to manage and use available information for daily activities.

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, vitamin D receptors have been identified throughout the human body, and scientists have shown that vitamin D influences at least 3,000 different genes. So it is no surprise that metabolic pathways for vitamin D also exist in your brain. In this case, researchers located pathways in the hippocampus and cerebellum of the brain.

These are the areas of your brain that are involved in planning, processing of information, and the formation of new memories.

Of the 1,000 participants, only 35 percent had sufficient vitamin D levels.

Keep in mind that “sufficient levels” in this case are based on the conventional recommendation, which states that 15 ng/ml is sufficient for bone- and overall health.

We now know this is woefully inadequate for most.

Experts now believe the optimal level for general health lies between 50-70 ng/ml.

Still, participants with higher vitamin D levels performed better on cognitive tests than those who were deficient.

Other studies have also provided evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain function by promoting detoxification of damaging heavy metals. One such study showed that vitamin D helps remove mercury by radically increasing intracellular glutathione.

As you can see, there’s plenty of reasons to check your vitamin D levels, if you haven’t done so already, to make sure you’re within the optimal range.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is There Cancer in Your Food?

Presidential Cancer Advisors Find Courage to Warn About Environmental Risks of Cancer Chemicals

When a government panel of experts finds the courage to tell the truth about cancer, it's an event so rare that it becomes newsworthy. Late last week, a report from the President's Cancer Panel (PCP) broke ranks with the sick-care cancer establishment and dared to say something that natural health advocates have been warning about for decades: That Americans are "bombarded" with cancer-causing chemicals and radiation, and if we hope to reduce cancer rates, we must eliminate cancer-causing chemicals in foods, medicines, personal care products and our work and home environments.

In a directive to President Obama, the report states, "The panel urges you most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase healthcare costs, cripple our nation's productivity, and devastate American lives."

When I first read that, I just about fell out of my chair. Government-appointed experts are really saying that there are cancer-causing chemicals in our food and water? That simple fact has been vehemently denied by the cancer industry, processed food giants, personal care product companies and of course the fluoride lobby -- all of which insist their chemicals are perfectly safe.

• In 2009 alone, approximately 1.5 million American men, women, and children were diagnosed with cancer, and 562,000 died from the disease. Approximately 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and about 21 percent will die from cancer. The incidence of some cancers, including some most common among children, is increasing for unexplained reasons.

• The Panel was particularly concerned to find that the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated. With nearly 80,000 chemicals on the market in the United States, many of which are used by millions of Americans in their daily lives and are un- or understudied and largely unregulated, exposure to potential environmental carcinogens is widespread. One such ubiquitous chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), is still found in many consumer products and remains unregulated in the United States, despite the growing link between BPA and several diseases, including various cancers.

• However, the grievous harm from this group of carcinogens has not been addressed adequately by the National Cancer Program. The American people -- even before they are born -- are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.

• Some scientists maintain that current toxicity testing and exposure limit-setting methods fail to accurately represent the nature of human exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Current toxicity testing relies heavily on animal studies that utilize doses substantially higher than those likely to be encountered by humans. These data -- and the exposure limits extrapolated from them -- fail to take into account harmful effects that may occur only at very low doses.

• Only a few hundred of the more than 80,000 chemicals in use in the United States have been tested for safety.

• While all Americans now carry many foreign chemicals in their bodies, women often have higher levels of many toxic and hormone-disrupting substances than do men. Some of these chemicals have been found in maternal blood, placental tissue, and breast milk samples from pregnant women and mothers who recently gave birth. Thus, chemical contaminants are being passed on to the next generation, both prenatally and during breastfeeding.

• The entire U.S. population is exposed on a daily basis to numerous agricultural chemicals, some of which also are used in residential and commercial landscaping. Many of these chemicals have known or suspected carcinogenic or endocrine-disrupting properties. Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides) approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contain nearly 900 active ingredients, many of which are toxic.

• Many of the solvents, fillers, and other chemicals listed as inert ingredients on pesticide labels also are toxic, but are not required to be tested for their potential to cause chronic diseases such as cancer. In addition to pesticides, agricultural fertilizers and veterinary pharmaceuticals are major contributors to water pollution, both directly and as a result of chemical processes that form toxic by-products when these substances enter the water supply.

• The use of cell phones and other wireless technology is of great concern, particularly since these devices are being used regularly by ever larger and younger segments of the population.

• Americans now are estimated to receive nearly half of their total radiation exposure from medical imaging and other medical sources, compared with only 15 percent in the early 1980s. The increase in medical radiation has nearly doubled the total average effective radiation dose per individual in the United States. Computed tomography (CT) and nuclear medicine tests alone now contribute 36 percent of the total radiation exposure and 75 percent of the medical radiation exposure of the U.S. population.

• Many referring physicians, radiology professionals, and the public are unaware of the radiation dose associated with various tests or the total radiation dose and related increased cancer risk individuals may accumulate over a lifetime. People who receive multiple scans or other tests that require radiation may accumulate doses equal to or exceeding that of Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors.

• Hundreds of thousands of military personnel and civilians in the United States received significant radiation doses as a result of their participation in nuclear weapons testing and supporting occupations and industries, including nuclear fuel and weapons production, and uranium mining, milling, and ore transport. Hundreds of thousands more were irradiated at levels sufficient to cause cancer and other diseases.

• Numerous environmental contaminants can cross the placental barrier; to a disturbing extent, babies are born "pre-polluted." There is a critical lack of knowledge and appreciation of environmental threats to children's health and a severe shortage of researchers and clinicians trained in children's environmental health.

• Single-agent toxicity testing and reliance on animal testing are inadequate to address the backlog of untested chemicals already in use and the plethora of new chemicals introduced every year.

• Many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated. Enforcement of most existing regulations is poor. In virtually all cases, regulations fail to take multiple exposures and exposure interactions into account.

• Many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated. Enforcement of most existing regulations is poor. In virtually all cases, regulations fail to take multiple exposures and exposure interactions into account. [Editor's note: In other words, people should read NaturalNews! We've been doing this for years!]


Read the report yourself right here:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Who is a ToughMudder?

Dr. Wilkins and seven of his closest exercise crazed friends completed the ToughMudder yesterday at Bear Creek Ski Resort. The ToughMudder is described as: 

"the TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring, spirit-crushing road race. Our 7 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around toughness, strength, stamina, fitness, camaraderie, and mental grit"

                                         -ToughMudder website

There are several upcoming races and events the staff of Back to Health Chiropractic and Advanced Fitness will be doing. The Kennett Run is the next one coming up and you will find many of the employees sweating it out running the streets of Kennett Square. 

Please check back to our blog to find out more.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This term refers to the discovery in recent years that the brain is actually malleable throughout the lifespan and we have the ability to grow new neural connections.

This has tremendous implications for our mental health and anything that has to do with human training, both hopeful and detrimental.

The research is becoming more and more clear but has been finding that the brain is not static and will respond to new learning.

A Mayo Clinic study of 487 healthy adults aged 65 and older demonstrated that with cognitive fitness training, older adults more than doubled their auditory processing speed (a 131% gain.) This translated to improved memory and attention. NaturalNews.com

Below is a great video briefly describing the concept of neuroplasticity.

So what does this mean for you?

Anything that you would like to improve upon in your life, you can!! The only requirement is that you may have to search for the right coach, chiropractor, doctor, and/or other quality of life professionals.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Swine Flu Pandemic a Fraud

The original article, released by a German Magazine Der Spiegel and re-released by Digital Journal describes a detailed account of the happenings of the development of the swine flu pandemic and the following vaccination hysteria.

The Opening Paragraph from Der Spiegel
Swine flu kept the world in suspense for almost a year. A massive vaccination campaign was mounted to put a stop to the anticipated pandemic. But, as it turned out, it was a relatively harmless strain of the flu virus. How, and why, did the world overreact? A reconstruction.
Those who suspected a money- and greed-driven conspiracy behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak - declared a pandemic by overzealous WHO officials and their advisers from within the industry - are being proven right by recent revelations. Digital Journal

World Health Organization officials estimated that between 2 and 7.4 million could die. As the German magazine reports, the swine flu pandemic of 2009 may have been engineered by the drug companies:
The pharmaceutical industry did not influence any of our decisions," says Fukuda. But in mid-May, about three weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters. The official reason for the meeting was to discuss ways to ensure that developing countries would be provided with pandemic vaccine. But at this point in time the vaccine industry was mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare phase 6.

Everything hung on this decision. At stake was nothing less than a move to supply large segments of the world's population with flu vaccine. Phase 6 acted as a switch that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free. That's because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany, for example, signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2007 to buy its pandemic vaccine -- as soon as phase 6 was declared. This agreement could explain why Professor Roy Anderson, one key scientific advisor to the British government, declared the swine flu a pandemic on May 1. What he neglected to say was that GSK was paying him an annual salary of more than €130,000 ($177,000).
Below is the information for todays post, I highly recommend reading more into how the wool was pulled over a vast majority of peoples eyes.

Der Spiegel
Digital Journal

Additionally, read this article from Natural News reviewing 'The 10 biggest health care lies in America'.

If you would like to know more about how to take your health into your own hands read the collection of articles, Heal Yourself in 15 Days, these articles describe the factors the truly compliment chiropractic care.

Happy reading!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Diet Is So Easy, Even You Can Do It

Have you ever heard of an overweight caveman?


I first wanted to put together a post about healthy snacking after looking at a Good Housekeeping The Best 100 Calorie Snacks article. Within this very popular magazine article you will find many apparent good ideas for eating healthy. But a closer inspection left me feeling disgusted at the recommendations. So I changed my focus to something that I am doing.

The Paleolithic, or Cavemen, diet.

Besides Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble, most portrayals of the people who lived 12,000 years ago depict slender folks baring rock-hard abs. What's their secret? Surely it's great exercise to be out chasing woolly mammoths and foraging for berries all day. And it helped that there were no Fruity Pebbles or venti white chocolate mocha's hundreds of generations ago. The Washington Post.

There is a scientific premise to all of this; our dietary needs were formed 500 generations ago and are nearly identical to those of Stone Agers. This was first proposed in the 1980s, but popularized with 2002's "The Paleo Diet," by Loren Cordain, a professor at Colorado State University.

Calories are important when eating, but what is more important is what makes up those calories. You can read more about the importance of the source of the calorie on this informative blog, The Fit Dad Says.

But, seriously, what if we ate like our Paleolithic ancestors? That would be lots of lean meats, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables; no grains, salt, sugar, legumes or dairy products. Some people do, and it's called the Paleo diet -- short for Paleolithic, which refers to the era before agriculture took hold, a movement away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle that resulted in settled societies, and, eventually, Twinkies and couch potatoes.

If you'd like to learn more about what the Paleolithic diet is all about follow these links below

The Paleo Diet
The Healing Crow

The combination of Chiropractic and these eating principles will reward your body, and your body will reward you!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

That Something

The post this week is to direct you towards one of the most famous chiropractic stories, "That Something".

The story of "That Something," it would seem, is thought to be intended to be an autobiographical sketch from the developer of chiropractic, BJ Palmer, and how he achieved success in his life .

How much of it is true and how much is part of the author's fertile imagination is unknown, probably to everyone except BJ himself.

It seems to me that it is not really important whether it is true, wholly, partly or not at all.

It is the message that is important. It is the message that everyone from Napoleon Hill and Clement Stone to Jim Rhone and Zig Ziglar have conveyed, which is, the key to success.

I believe the key lies in the two little words "I will."

"I" means taking responsibility for your life success or failure.

BJ realized very early in life that he was not a prisoner of his childhood or his cruel stepmother. He was responsible for his own life, to make it a success or failure. He knew he could not blame his faults or his problems on anyone else. I certainly would agree that one is success or failure in a matter of choice.

The second word, "will." demonstrates why one is responsible.

"Will" implies volition. Volition implies free choice. We are free to choose success or failure, right or wrong, good or evil. That seems to be the message of the story and how BJ chose to be successful in his life.

Of course, I would claim that those choices come from an educated brain, for that is why we have one! Innate intelligence does not make choices in the sense of good and bad decisions. It acts as a law or principle. Therefore it is up to our educated intelligence to make those choices which make for life what it is to be, for better or worse.

I would like to thank Joe Strauss' and his Green Book Club commentaries for much of the insight and commentary above.

You can read the entire story of "That Something" by clicking here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Elimating Diabetes With Diet and Exercise

October of last a year the Los Angeles Times ran an article highlighting the cases of five people who have successfully cut out the use of insulin and other diabetes drugs through improvements in their diet and exercise habits.

The article includes 5 brief descriptions of the featured patients including: name, age, occupation, brief history of the symptoms, what they did to heal and their words of advice.

Below I will include there words of wisdom and links to introductory resources to help anyone you know get started on the road to a better life.

Here's some of the advice from people who have healed from both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes:

"Make moving more [of] a habit. I park on the top floor of my office's parking structure . . . and I pick the farthest parking space at the shopping center."

"I wish people understood that what you eat now influences what you want to eat next. A low-carb diet is the best way to curb your appetite and maintain your weight."

"Find someone who will help you truly understand your illness. I have two college degrees and didn't understand how damaging my diet was."

"Lose weight. Eat right."

"Don't underestimate the body's potential to heal on its own."

What Keeps these individuals motivated:

"I will do anything to avoid that terrible foot pain I had. I had uncles lose limbs to diabetes. I never want that to happen to me.

"His great grandmother had a stroke and lost a leg to diabetes, and his grandfather went blind and died of kidney disease, also due to diabetes. Besides, he adds, "I like how I look now, and more important, how I feel.

"I didn't survive cancer to die of diabetes."

"I can't believe the freedom from not taking shots all the time. I don't know what to do with all my time.""This isn't hard. Being on insulin is hard."

Here are some of the resources for someone to read up a little more regarding Diabetes





Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Improve Your Quality of Life by 60%

Improving your quality of life is a very admirable goal!

In fact it's very simple.

A study from the American Journal of Medicine revealed that simply walking 3 times a week decreased the prevalence of dieing from heart disease by 60 percent.
As little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week can reduce the risk of early heart-disease-related death by 60 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Department of Cardiology in New Orleans and published in the American Journal of Medicine. NaturalNews.com
To clarify, the study was performed on individuals that already had heart disease, in fact it was performed with people who were under going cardiac rehabilitation.

This is a very good sign, even for those who don't have heart disease.

Simply put, walking moderately 3-5 times a week has tremendous health benefits.

These benefits go far beyond heart health, also included are significant improvements of mood, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, weight control, cancer, and the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life. Sciencedaily.com

To read the original article that started this blog post stop by Natural News and read it for your self.

Take charge of your life and add a simple routine like walking 3 times a week, you will thank yourself!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Worried About Your Cholesterol?

Have you ever felt under attack from messages from commercials, companies, and doctors.

In fact, the title of this post sounds like a TV commercial... You are informed that high levels of bad cholesterol are the ticket to an early grave and must be brought down.

Some researchers have even suggested—half-jokingly—that the medications should be put in the water supply, like fluoride for teeth.

Used by more than 13 million Americans and an additional 12 million patients around the world, producing $27.8 billion in sales in 2006 and spent well over 10 billion in marketing.

The drugs are thought to be so essential that, according to the official government guidelines from the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), 40 million Americans should be taking them.

Let's get to the point, there is wide spread promotion and use of cholesterol lowering drugs, and research now conclusively reveals that these medications only have a benefit for people that have already had a heart attack, and it's not guaranteed to help them either.

Businessweek.com posted a article asking tremendous questions and revealing many facts about the business of statin drugs.

These questions surround most drugs, not just statins. One dirty little secret of modern medicine is that many drugs work only in a minority of people.

"There's a tendency to assume drugs work really well, but people would be
surprised by the actual magnitude of the benefits," says Dr. Steven Woloshin,
associate professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School. Businessweek.com

The fact is that these medications have overt symptoms in 10-15% people that take them.

Does that mean that they are harming the other 85-90% of people on an sub clinical level?

I highly recommend reading the Businessweek.com article, and if you want to know more check out these other resources:

Dangers of Cholesterol Medications - B2HC
Does Cholesterol Matter? - Natural News
Why Cholesterol May Not Be the Cause of Heart Disease - The Huffington Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bone Health and Osteoporosis Alert

Did you see ABC World News this past Monday night?

There was a special about Fosamax after some alarming problems detected by medical doctors after seeing trends of broken legs in women taking this drug.

Many people believe that osteoporosis is a normal effect of getting older. In fact, many people think that adding a simple medication, as a security measure, is the best way to prevent brittle bones and osteoporosis related problems after menopause.

But the truth may be far worse than the ABC report describes. Below, click and watch the ABC News video, then continue reading the rest of the blog post.

One word of caution while watching this. You will continue to see and hear the interviewed doctors and reporters positioning the continued use of this drug as safe for some women and not for others. (Keep in mind pharmaceutical companies sponsor news programs like ABC News) Currently, I am not aware of any test to determine which women may be eligible to benefit from which medication, so it sounds like a case of Russian Roulette.

Here's the ABC News Report

This is not the first story to break regarding osteoporosis drugs and increased health problems.
Osteoporosis medications have been linked to a host of side effects including debilitating muscle pain and a serious bone problem, osteonecrosis of the jaw, which literally causes the jaw bone to die. Now comes a study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine scientists that evaluated a possible association between bisphosphonates and the development of irregular, sometimes fatal, heart arrhythmia's. NaturalNews.com
In my opinion the effects of any medications block the body's normal ability to communicate with itself, therefore leading to confusion, and over time, more problems - aka disease.

For more articles associated with osteoporosis medications review the links below:

Washington Post: Study Links Osteoporosis Drugs to Jaw Trouble
Food and Drug Administration, FDA: Severe Pain with Osteoporosis Drugs (3rd article down)

If you would like more information regarding osteoporosis, increasing your quality of life, or understanding many other health concerns visit our website or attend one of our free workshops.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scrubbing Your Veggies

Like many people out there I try to buy organic foods, but it's hard to do all the time. Unfortunately, if your not 100% sure where your food was grown there's a chance it's been covered in pesticides and herbicides.

I'm definately trying to avoid as much of those toxic chemicals as possible!

According to this great article from suite101.com , there are a number of ways to clean your fruits and vegetables, and it turns out that a water and vinegar mixture is the most effective method to do the job.

Here's the paragraph describing a few of the details.

The editors of Cooks Illustrated magazine tested this theory by using four different methods to clean pears and apples: a vinegar and water solution (3:1, water:vinegar), antibacterial liquid soap, scrubbing with a stiff brush, and just using plain water. Not only did the vinegar mixture work the best, it was far, far better when measured for bacteria -- it removed 98% of bacteria, compared to just under 85% for scrubbing.

Be sure to read the Suite101 article to get all the details of how to make the inexpensive home version so you can make the best of everything you cook.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Improve You Brain Health in 3 Minutes a Day

I cam across an interesting video showing a simple exercise on how to improve your brain's ability to heal and function.

It comes from a book titled Superbrain Yoga, it's a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. This powerful technique is explained in Master Choa Kok Sui's latest book Superbrain Yoga. You can check out his website here.

This unusual exercise is used to improve mental health and acuity and has been going viral on the Internet lately. It was featured in a Los Angeles CBS News report that has an MD, a Yale neurobiologist, an occupational therapist, educators, and parents endorsing it. It is a simple routine, and it has created positive results for learning disabled and autistic children as well as older Alzheimer`s victims.

And it`s useful for any kind of brain fog or dullness, even emotional instability. It can improve memory and focus, and it`s even made some a little smarter. It seems to work for everyone regardless of mental condition.

Below is the video from the CBS news story

If you would like a brief description on how it works, check out this article found on Natural News.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eating After Your Workouts

Have you ever rewarded yourself after going to the gym by enjoying a special treat?

Chocolate? Star Bucks? Pizza?

Well as is turns out, what you put in your body after you workout is extremely vital to determine the benefits, if any, you will receive.

In a recent study released from the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that what you eat after your workout can actually influence its positive effects on your body.

What the researchers found was that all exercise sessions increased insulin sensitivity.

This was to be expected, reports Dr. Mercola, as exercise is one of the most powerful tools you have available to normalize your insulin levels. This is important because elevated insulin levels are one of the primary drivers for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and weight gain. But the foods you eat are equally important to maintain healthy insulin and leptin levels.

What this means is that you don’t need to starve yourself after a workout, and in all actuality doing so may slow down your metabolism because your body goes into starvation mode.

Take a few minutes and read through Dr. Mercola's review of the study, post- exercise meals and his 5 Principles of Exercise.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Omega 3: Preventing Mental Decline

An important new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry reveals that fish oil supplements beat mental illness. An article in the Wall Street Journal reported on the recent study for a natural supplementation treatment option for children and young adults with severe mental disease.

Researchers in the new study identified 81 people, ages 13 to 25, with warning signs of psychosis, ... Forty-one were randomly assigned to take four fish oil pills a day for three months. The other patients took dummy pills.

After a year of monitoring, 2 of the 41 patients in the fish oil group, or about 5%, had become psychotic, or completely out of touch with reality. In the placebo group, 11 of 40 became psychotic, about 28%.
With larger studies already planned, this one reveals another component to the wide-ranging benefits that omega 3 oils have. Although this information is already accepted in the natural health community, many studies continue to shed light that natural supplements provide many benefits with little danger of negative side effects.

The truth is we already know that omega-3 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids -PUFAs) help protect people against cardiovascular disease. We also know
they can play a role in preventing diabetes and cancer. It's little surprise that they also protect against mental illness, given the importance of healthy fatty acids for the functioning of the nervous system. NaturalNews
Read more about benefits of fish oil at fishoilbenefit.net

I feel the biggest point to be taken from these articles is this... providing a natural source is a safer more effective choice.

You're probably saying, " I know that already!"

Good, now you know what the final destination is, it's up to you to ask more questions and discover more information about how to know what's pure and sufficient so you can give yourself what you deserve, good health.

A great way to get started is to sign up for our fish oil workshop on February 15th at 6:45 in the Glen Mills office. Contact our office for more details.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Metabolism Buster

What if you were to learn that every day, 25 percent of your calories came from a poison, disguised as a food?

What would you think if this poison actually is encouraged and allowed by the agencies set up to protect you and I? (American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, the USDA and the FDA)

And what if you discovered that this chemical impostor was responsible for your insulin resistance and weight gain?

And elevated blood pressure ... And elevated triglycerides and LDL ... And depletion of vitamins and minerals ... And even gout, heart disease and liver damage?

Would you be angry?

We now know without a doubt that sugar in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll on the health of this nation.

(Thank you to Dr. Mercola for stating these ideas! I have to admit, I took them directly from his blog post... It was too good to change.)

The fact is, a vast majority of Americans and many up and coming nations in the world are eating huge amounts of processed sugar. It is currently estimated that 90% of money spent on food is spent on processed unnatural foods and 25% of all the calories you consume are from fake sugar.

Below I am including some of the amazing stats from the article. If you would like to really know what is happening regarding this topic so you can make better choices, have more personal power, and add quality to your life and life to your years read the entire article here.

Okay, here are some of the stats from the article:
On average, men are consuming 187 more calories per day, and women 335 more calories. People who were never heavy before are becoming overweight, and the obese are becoming more so. We are now a “supersized” population.

Today, 55 percent of sweeteners used in food and beverage manufacturing are made from corn, and the number one source of calorie in America is soda, in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). In fact, the average American drinks 60 gallons of soda every year.

Corn syrup is now found in every type of processed, pre-packaged food you can think of. In fact, the use of HFCS in the U.S. diet increased by a whopping 10,673 percent between 1970 and 2005, according to a report by the USDA.

The current annual consumption of sugar is 141 pounds per person, and 63 pounds of that is HFCS.
There is much more information but it would make this a very long post, so reserve some time, read this entire article, and empower yourself by adding knowledge!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do You Need More Celery?

You may be thinking.. Celery?.. I don't wanna eat more of that! ... Unless you have some onion ranch dip to go along.

When it comes to this vegetable, sometimes taste is left to be desired. But there is more than meets the taste buds.

An article on Natural News by Brett Brown, researched some of the proposed benefits of this healing food, in fact it has been used for centuries to treat colds, flu, water retention, poor digestion, arthritis, liver, and spleen ailments.

Here's some of the opening lines from the article:

Celery has a long history of use and is truly an ancient healing food. At first glance celery may seem rather unimpressive, but the more you look into its background and medicinal uses the more you realize that we must have been misinformed on the usefulness of this plant...

We have been led to believe that celery does not have much to it when in fact celery truly contains a wealth of health improving nutrients that we can obtain from it. Celery has a profile that is much more than water and fiber!
Read the entire article here, it's very brief and informative.

If your wondering how to incorporate more celery into your diet here's a piece from the New York Times provides five healthy recipes that seem very simple to put together. I'll be sure to give some of these a try!

Keeping making positive strides in adding good things to your daily routine and your body will thank you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chiropractic: The Law of Cause and Effect

For every action there must be a reaction. For every cause there is an effect.

These universal laws apply everywhere to everyone, all of the time. Here's a great article describing these Laws

In chiropractic terms the cause is subluxation and the effect is sickness and disease. Simple put, when a subluxation occurs in your spine, it interrupts the normal flow of signals from the brain to the body, which in turn, leads to a symptom.

Shown below, I stumbled across this Youtube video with a great way to explain how a subluxation of the spine can interfere with the function of the human body.

In this video a series of news clips are provided showing the positive benefits in human function including: eyesight, infantile colic, ADHD, brain function, pain, arthritis, and headaches through the use of chiropractic.

In its purest application, chiropractic is not concerned with treating single medical conditions, when the nervous system is functioning at 100% it is inevitable that symptoms disappear.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How's Your Brain Fitness

Have you heard the phrase "Use it or lose it"? This statement holds true for many facets of life, but most importantly applies to your brain! We all share concerns of mental decline, especially among an aging population.

The common assumption is after our early 20's the human brain stops developing. This may be true for brain size, but for learning, developing, and creating, this assumption doesn't hold true.

Not long ago, most scientists believed the brain became “hard-wired” during childhood, and that there was little you could do to improve its function once you entered adulthood. Not anymore.

Brain plasticity

It's a funny sounding concept, but refers to the brain’s ability to change—for better or worse—throughout life. It’s an incredibly important and personal process: by defining our brain development, it shapes each of our distinct personalities. You can read more about brain plasticity here.

This information comes from the Brain Fitness Channel, it is a dedicated website to informing you about the most important part of yourself.

I first found about this website through this great article from the New York Times. Here's a couple paragraphs that I found made the point:

Brains in middle age, which, with increased life spans, now stretches from the 40s to late 60s, also get more easily distracted. Start boiling water for pasta,go answer the doorbell and — whoosh — all thoughts of boiling water disappear. Indeed, aging brains, even in the middle years, fall into what’s called the default mode, during which the mind wanders off and begin daydreaming.

Given all this, the question arises, can an old brain learn, and then remember what it learns? Put another way, is this a brain that should be in school?

As it happens, yes. While it’s tempting to focus on the flaws in older brains, that inducement overlooks how capable they've become. Over the past several years, scientists have looked deeper into how brains age and confirmed that they continue to develop through and beyond middle age.

The Brain Fitness Channel is a great website, I spent some time reading and doing the interactive tests. It includes games, puzzles, recipes, and a ton of great information. Give your brain something that it will enjoy!